
Directions – brushing your teeth

Using the spoon provided, place a spoonful of hunakea tooth salt in a small bowl. Rub the tooth salt onto a damp toothbrush (soft bristles). If using a sachet, you will need around 1/3 of a sachet. Brush your teeth as usual.

Directions – rinsing your mouth

Using the spoon provided, add three spoonfuls of hunakea tooth salt to a cup of water. If using sachets, use a whole sachet for one cup of water.
Gurgle with the liquid and swill it around your mouth.

Directions – cleaning your tongue

First use the tongue cleaner.
Using the spoon provided, place a spoonful of hunakea tooth salt (or around 1/3 of a sachet) in a small bowl. Rub the tooth salt onto a damp toothbrush (medium bristles). Then brush your tongue well with the tooth salt.